Our History

In 1961, the Kentucky Conference of the Methodist Church made plans to plant a second Methodist congregation within the city of Frankfort. Initial worship services were held in the Carriage House at Berry Hill Mansion in 1962 with thirty charter members, most of whom were sent from First Methodist Frankfort. The first service in the completed chapel was held February 10, 1963. The church grew, built an education wing in 1966, and started building our current sanctuary in 1987, which held its first worship service on November 13th, 1988. Through the years, people have gathered for worship, God’s Word has been proclaimed and studied, people have professed faith in Jesus and been baptized, friendships have been formed, beloved members have died, community events have been hosted, and pastors have come and gone. Throughout its history, St. Paul has been a witness for Christ in the Frankfort community. We hope you’ll join us as God continues to write our story and change lives by the power of the gospel.

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The United Methodist Church was formed as a merger in 1968 between The United Brethren and The Methodist Church. We trace our heritage back to a revival movement that happened in the Anglican Church in 1700s England led by a priest named John Wesley. We are a church who sees God primarily as a God of love and grace, a God who meets us no matter where we are and moves us toward the beauty of a life submitted to Jesus. Curious? Explore here.